Be n d i g o   Fi l m   So c i e t y 2 0 0 8

Become a member of the Bendigo Film Society, which has been presenting great works of cinema since 1961. The season flicks on with the Free Film Weekend – showings – 23rd February 2:00, 7:30 and 24th February 2:00, 7:30. See program for details.

Then the main program will immerse you in film with other film-lovers, and have a chat after the showings (discussions are planned). Highlights this year include two surrealistically edged Australian films (Walkabout, One Night the Moon), a couple of classics (Bergman, Chaplin), some fabulous, thought-provoking historical films (Un Chien Andalou 1929, Freaks 1932, White Zombies 1933, Triumph of the Will 1934) and contemporary world cinema. And at the end of May the Bendigo Framed Festival – a showcase of Bendigo’s films and filmmakers, supporting local talent.

February 26, 2008 web management